I as able to sneak in underneath the rope and get this January's plan purchased under the 2007 model. That said... (UPDATE) We had confirmation from the CM that we would be under the old plan, and since we had made this before the new plan was announced we thought we were safe.

But my DW had a bad feeling about it and called back to check. They informed us that we were set to be on the new plan. Tried the call back and get a different CM trick, Nope, New plan.

We asked for a supervisor. Nope, new plan. What about the confirmation? like it never happened.

So we cancelled the dining plan for our January trip. We also cancelled a lot of our reservations. One or two tables, a few counters, and the rest will be cooked in the room. Thank goodness we bought into DVC. So now I have definitely turned down the plan as it isn't worth it to me.

It was easier, yes. And There were (very few) servers who recieved tips who didn't desrve them.

But in conjunction with the standardization of the menus accross the board, the huge drop in child's choices, and several of my favorites dropping things I loved off of their menus, I can say definitely without a doubt that it has affected my future plans to purchase the DP again.

I would like to know if there was indeed a survey that turned out like that. or if it was the same issue as the "survey" that said that we didn't want extra hours.