Quote Originally Posted by Dsnygirl View Post
I think even slugs are busier than that....

When do you work again? I have to go in and be "cleared" to work today, but they still don't have my lab results, so we'll see. I'm ET tonight... Saw Darcy at the Fair, she said she'd been cancelled twice! (Once even by you, you nice charge nurse!) That's amazing, for State Fair week!
so what is lazier than a slug?? a sloth maybe- that just makes me think of that movie Seven.

and yes i was in charge one whole night and for 4 hours the next. Darcy has the most seniority- so she got cancelled. though nancy z had her name in the book. however nicu needed her skill level so she had to work-(oh was she not happy). i however, reminded myself of all the times i get screwed because she can't go to labor and delivery. i was not upset. it was a slow weekend all alround. sunday night i went upstairs at 11 and didn't have a patient until 2am when martha went home. she was my only patient all night long- postop csection on mag. wooohooo. i almost fell asleep.

have a great day. i'm not sure what i'm doing today. my back is still iffy.
