I'm sorry but I can't put my vote in to safe VMK. Let me try to explan the best my learning disablety can do.

I do agree to safe VMK is to pay for it but if we start to pay then that means I can't still play VMK. I can't aford $40.00 a month or higher cause I don't make that much at work and with my phone and car bills I have with sometimes lest then $100 a week I may I can't do it. So if VMK start charging then I still will not get to see any of you any more. I came on VMK cause it was free. So for me to stay on VMK if they change there mines and not close VMK on May 21. They have to remine free.

So I guess I will miss u all if this has happen. I am really down with this. I know in the pass I have stop cause it got board but with the new stuff that has come up in the last 2 months I was getting back into VMK. I love you all from JP,CAT,DOLL,ICE,DINO,DOC,GREEN CAT,PATTI,PINK,PIRATE,FAN,HOCKEY,SHELLEYB,Tear,LAD Y,DRAGON and others. You are my family.