Quote Originally Posted by DizneyFreak2002 View Post
On one site I used to read daily, a thread was started about some of the neglect on the WDW property... The person had an inside knowledge of how things worked in WDW, especially inside the TDO building... He even knew some of the management and had friends on the inside... Well, the thread was civil.. People expressed their displeasure with the condition WDW has become under Meg's stewardship... He posted pictures, as did other members... Then, the drowning out of voices started... New members suddenly appeared and began bashing the people who were posting about the sad state of affairs... They began name calling, they trolled for lack of a better word... Baited arguments... Then other members got into it, members who have been on the site for years but had 1 or 2 posts... They started attacking the dissenters.. The site owner eventually shut the thread down due to the bickering... The thread was going good for a few months.. Where did these new people come from and why??? Why all of a sudden??? These are questions you need to ask yourself...
interesting...there are a couple of nefarious possibilities that come to my "conspiracy theory habituated mind" here...not sure which one you are actually suggesting though.

The first would be that "Disney site monitors" were somehow directly involved in turning the thread hostile so that the site owner would close down the thread.

The second would be that the site owners themselves "felt pressure" to not let the negativity go on too long...(maybe even creating users and posts that break their rules so they can shut it down.).

If that is potentially the case, such pressure might not be even be direct (from disney) , seeing as how most of the sites having disney advertising banners... the simple imagined threat of a loss of that advertising revenue (due to their site beocming too critical) might provide strong motivation to find a way to not let the criticism linger.

Are these the kinds of things you are hinting at here...or am I (as happens from time to time) out in left field concerning my reading of a post?