I think that "girl" has a bit of a "post-op" look about her. A lot like Pam Anderson.

This is a tough show to discuss on this board and I commend everybody that is able to talk about it and still keep it clean.

Personally I like the old looking chick. She's only 32 so she's not really old but compared the other girls who have that just turned 18 look she's a bit out of place.

I haven't bothered really learning their names and give them all the Flavor Flave treatment by giving them new names that are easier to remember.

I've developed some board friendly names for them.

Mom - The older looking girl.
Ziggy - The girl without the eyebrows that Brett liked for some reason.
David - The strange looking girl who calls herself Daisy.
Miss Hoover - The girl that looks like a Sunday School teacher from the neck up.
The Invisible Woman - That other brunette girl who wouldn't stand out if she was the only person in the room.
Dopey - The dumb girl that was on the other show with the dumb girls and the nerds.