For the past three months, I've been eating... I guess healthily? Mostly vegetables and legumes, some cheese, with a cheat day every weekend to make sure my metabolism doesn't adjust to a starvation cycle too quickly. Generally, I was still eating foods I liked, just with better portion control and getting the bulk of my calories from vegetables (spaghetti squash being my crutch).

For a lark, I stepped on the communal scale in our office—and it turns out I have lost about 25 pounds from my last checkup. Still mathematically obese (and still objectively fat), but now a non-obese weight is well within my reach.

Most of that weight loss was done entirely without any additional exercise (it's hard to work out when you're commuting or in the office 10+ hours a day), but I'm now reintroducing little things, like squats/core exercises before bed and in the morning.