I'm so happy someone else likes Frollo. He is such an under-rated villain from an equally under-rated film. I heard rumors that Facilier was being replaced by Gaston at this year's MNSSHP. I think Disney wants to test Gaston's popularity with crowds to see if making him a permanent character addition to Fantasyland at Gaston's Tavern would be a lucrative move.

About Hades, I personally never thought that he would appear in Mix and Mingle. I think his costume simply wouldn't allow it. It's big, bulky, and hard to move, let alone dance, in. In parades, he was always seated and never forced to walk the parade route. I think further evidence of this fact can be found in the fact that Hades wasn't in Mix and Mingle to begin with. Hades is arguably more recognizable and popular than Frollo, which is why it wouldn't make sense for Disney not to have put him in the show to begin with, unless, of course, his costume wouldn't allow it. Outside of basic meet-and-greets, I don't think Hades will be making an appearance. I really hope, though, that Disney brings back some of the bad "guys" this year (i.e. Ratcliffe, Stromboli, Foulfellow, Big Bad Wolf, Shan Yu, and Frollo). It's always such a treat to see some of the rarer characters out and about, especially when they're villains!