If failures in other areas are causing these cut backs, I guess I can understand that. Although, ideally, I would prefer that they cut their losses in unsuccessful areas before they diminish the experience of a very successful area.

We are every other year people. Our last trip was in Aug. 2015. I think I've posted enough here to show that I'm not put off by criticisms, and have offered a few myself. However, every one of our trips has been great and left us wanting to go back. FP+ certainly caused us some stress at first, but it worked for us. Hold on to your seats here, because I'm about to say something outrageous.... it even made our last couple of trips BETTER because we were able to get on rides that we have always passed on because we simply were not interested in standing in a very, very long stand by line.

Now, think carefully before telling me that I'm so Disney-smitten that I'm simply blind to any short comings. It is a huge peeve of mine when someone has the audacity to tell another person whether they have or haven't gotten value for their money in terms of a vacation. This is not a measurable thing. It is purely in the eye of the person parting with the $.

Do these reported cuts concern me? They do. If or when our enjoyment of a WDW trip is impacted to the point where we don't feel it was money well spent, I promise you we have a very long wish list of destinations that we would decide to hit every year instead of every other year.

As pointed out though, attendance is at an all time high, all year round. We are WDW regulars, and we still want to plan trips there. Clearly, lots of other people, do to, whether they're repeat or first time visitors.