Disney Springs Christmas Tree Stoll Presented by AdventHealth Returns Nov. 10

The holidays have officially begun at Walt Disney World as the Disney Springs Christmas Tree Stoll presented by AdventHealth Orlando returns Nov. 10! Two cast members – Kaawaloa and Gerardo “Jerry” – had the unique opportunity to bring home to our holiday celebrations! They combined their passion for Disney and their respective Hawaiian and Mexican cultural traditions into the making of the “Moana” and “Coco” themed trees.

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About the Author: John Yaglenski

Public Figure, Entrepreneur, @INTERCOT Founder, Communications/IT Exec, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Disney Nut, Gadget Guy, LOWD Dayton Flyer, Husband & Dad.

One Comment

  1. John Yaglenski December 20, 2023 at 6:19 pm - Reply

    This seems like a great event!

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